Grown Climate Smart featured on The No-Till Farmer Podcast discussing program highlights and the future sustainability market.
Grown Climate Smart | October 27, 2023
CLINTON, WI, October 27, 2023 - Grown Climate Smart, a leading advocate for sustainable farming practices, announces its recent feature on the No-Till Farmer podcast. The podcast discussion focused on the Grown Climate Smart program as well as discussing some highlights of enrolling growers throughout 2023. Also, insights were given into what the future will hold for the sustainability market and how it correlates with Climate-Smart Commodity initiatives.
Grown Climate Smart's appearance on the No-Till Farmer Podcast was an opportunity to showcase the groundbreaking initiatives the company has undertaken to promote sustainable farming practices. The podcast, known for its commitment to no-till farming, aligns seamlessly with Grown Climate Smart's mission of creating a sustainable and environmentally conscious future for the agriculture industry.
During the podcast, Grown Climate Smart Brand and Marketing Manager Dylan Vaca, delved into the core principles of Grown Climate Smart's sustainable farming practice incentive program. This pioneering initiative offers farmers incentives to implement four essential practices: Cover Crops, Reduced Tillage, Nutrient Management Plans, and Windbreak Establishment. As a result, participating farmers contribute to the mitigation of carbon emissions while improving soil health and yield efficiency.
This collaboration with the No-Till Farmer Podcast will further amplify the message of sustainable agriculture and Reduced and No Till farming practices. By shedding light on the importance of these practices, Grown Climate Smart aims to inspire a broader audience of farmers, stakeholders, and sustainability advocates to embrace climate-smart farming methods.
To listen to the podcast episode featuring Grown Climate Smart, click here.
Eligible farmers can receive incentives on a per acre basis on new or existing practices that fall within the Grown Climate Smart practices guidelines. To learn more visit our Growers Info page.